Omar Kamel Hallak
American Hospital Dubai, UAE
Title: New oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation
Biography: Omar Kamel Hallak
Atrial Fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmia in adults and it is one of the major cause of Stroke. The stroke due to Atrial Fibrillation (AF) usually more sever comparing with other etiologies .
Warferin has been the gold stander medication to prevent stroke in AF patients With success rate about 65%. However, warfarin has many drawbacks: it has unpredictable response, narrow therapeutic window , slow onset/offset action, many interactions with food and medication, need continues monitoring .with about 50% only in the therapeutic range.
New Oral anticoagulants (NOAC) which became approved few years ago, have faster onset/offset action, no need for monitoring, less interaction with food and medication . several randomize studies confirm that NOAC is as effective as Warfarin or even more effective in some case, and it is safer and more convenient to use . however it is much more expensive .
The clinical application and practical aspect of their usage will be discuss further during the presentation