Call for Abstract

40th World Cardiology Conference, will be organized around the theme “Acquire to make your Heart healthier in the midst of outbreak”

World Cardiology-2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in World Cardiology-2025

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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Cardiac regeneration is a broad effort that objectives to repair irretrievably injured heart tissue with cutting-edge science, including stem cell and cell-free therapy. Reparative tools have been engineered to renovate damaged heart tissue and function by the body's natural ability to regenerate. Working together, patients and providers are finding regenerative solutions that restore, renew and recycle patients' own reparative capacity.


There are many cardiovascular risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. Some risk factors like family history cannot be modified, but other risk factors such as high blood pressure, can be modified with treatment. Once can necessarily develop cardiovascular disease if he/she have a risk factor.  More the risk factors greater the likelihood to have the heart disease, unless one takes action to modify the risk factors and works to prevent them compromising the heart health.


Cardiothoracic surgery involves the surgical treatment of organs inside the thorax- generally the heart and lungs. The Cardiothoracic surgeons or Cardiac surgeons are the ones who are specialized in cardiology from general surgery. Cardiac procedures are lengthy and carry a definite risk of death. In order to carry a successful surgery it requires support from advanced forms of technology developments and intensive therapy.


The evaluation of individuals with valvular heart disease who are or wish to become pregnant is a problematic issue. Issues that have to be addressed include the risks in pregnancy to the mother and the increasing foetus by the presence of maternal valvular heart disease as an intercurrent disease in pregnancy. Common physiological variations during pregnancy require, on average, a 50% growth in circulating blood volume that is supplemented by an increase in cardiac output that usually peaks between the mid portion of the second and third trimesters The enlarged cardiac output is due to an increase in the stroke size, and a minor increase in heart rate, averaging 10 to 20 beats per minute. Additionally uterine circulation and endogenous hormones cause systemic vascular resistance to reduction and a disproportionately lowering of diastolic blood pressure causes a catholic pulse pressure. Inferior vena canal obstruction from a gravid uterus in the prone position can result in an abrupt decrease in cardiac preload, which leads to hypotension with weakness and light headedness. During lab or and delivery cardiac output rises more in part due to the related anxiety and pain, as well as due to uterine reductions which will cause an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.


Congenital heart disease is one or more abnormalities in the heart's structure at birth. It mostly affects the walls, valves, or blood vessels of the heart. There are different types of congenital heart defects, some are serious and may need several surgeries and treatments.

Cardiovascular agents are cardiac medicines that are used to treat medical conditions associated with the heart or the circulatory system (blood vessels), such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, high or low blood pressure, blood clots, high cholesterol, heart failure and stroke. There are many different classes of drugs that come under the general term cardiovascular agent. Some work directly on the blood vessels surrounding the heart, reducing how much force the heart has to pump against the wall. Others lower cholesterol levels and help reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques which cause narrowing of blood vessels. Some work for the kidneys to increase fluid and salt loss or improve blood flow through the kidneys. The type of cardiovascular disease the person has determines which class of cardiovascular agent to use.


Men and women are very different when it comes to matters of the heart, and that’s just as true for matters of heart health. While heart disease is on the decline among men, it is continuously rising among women. It’s the number one killer of women over 35 worldwide, accounting for more deaths every year than all cancers combined. Women with diabetes generally have higher CVD mortality rates than men with diabetes. Women engaged in physical activity for less than an hour per week have 1.48 times the risk of developing coronary heart disease, comparing to the women who do more than three hours of physical activity per week. Go Red for Women is a major international awareness campaign that is dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and control of heart disease and stroke in women.


Cardiac nursing is a nursing specialty that deals with the patients who are suffering from various conditions of the cardiovascular system. Cardiac nurses help to treat conditions such as unstable angina, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction and cardiac dysrhythmia under the guidance of a cardiologist. Cardiac nurses perform postoperative care on a surgical unit, cardiac monitoring, stress test evaluations, vascular monitoring, and health assessments. Cardiac nurses work in many different environments, including coronary care units (CCU), cardiac catheterization, operating theatres, intensive care units (ICU), cardiac rehabilitation centers, cardiac surgery wards, clinical research, cardiovascular intensive care units (CVICU), and cardiac medical wards.


Heart failure commonly known as chronic heart failure (CHF) occurs due to the inability of the heart to pump blood properly in order to meet the body requirements. Common causes of heart failure include coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, Valvular heart disease, excess consumption of alcohol, infection, and cardiomyopathy of an unknown cause. Heart failure is of two types: heart failure due to left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure with normal ejection fraction. All the cardiology events this year will help in networking, B2B partnering between professionals and academicians working in the field of cardiology. We have handled many successful cardiology events and cardiology conferences and help to build good relations bringing the researchers and companies together. Cardiology conferences, cardiologist meetings and cardiology events are very important for the common people to be aware of the most important part of human body.


Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. It’s a disease that can lead to severe complications and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death. Blood pressure can be defined as the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels and the pressure depends on the work being done by the heart and the resistance of the blood vessels. Medical guidelines define hypertension as a blood pressure higher than 130 over 80 millimetres of mercury (mmHg), according to guidelines issued by the American Heart Association (AHA) in November 2017. Around 85 million people in the United States are suffering from high blood pressure. Hypertension and heart disease are the leading global health concerns. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that the growth of the processed food industry has impacted the amount of salt in diets worldwide, and that plays a role in hypertension.


Geriatric cardiology or Cardio geriatrics is the branch of cardiology that deals with the cardiovascular disorders in elderly people. The field of geriatric cardiology reflects the evolving medical approaches tailored to address the needs of the growing population of oldest old with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Cardiac disorders such as coronary heart disease (including myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, arrhythmias (as atrial fibrillation) and others are common and are a major cause of mortality in elderly people. Vascular disorders such as atherosclerosis and peripheral arterial disease cause significant morbidity and mortality in aged people.


Nuclear cardiology studies the use of non-invasive techniques to assess myocardial blood flow, evaluate the pumping function of the heart as well as visualize the size and location of a heart attack. Among the techniques of nuclear cardiology, myocardial perfusion imaging is the most widely used for the detection and management of coronary artery disease, viability studies to assess for the extent of myocardial infarction and radionuclide cineangiograms to evaluate heart function.


Cardiovascular disease involves the improper functioning of heart or blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease includes coronary artery diseases such as angina and myocardial infarction (which is also known as a heart attack). Other cardiovascular diseases are stroke, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, congenital heart disease, endocarditis, peripheral artery disease and venous thrombosis. It is expected that 90% of cardiovascular disease is avoidable. Prevention of atherosclerosis is by decreasing risk factors through: proper diet, exercise, avoidance of tobacco smoke and restrictive alcohol intake. Treating high blood pressure and diabetes is also beneficial. Treating people who have strep throat with antibiotics can reduce the risk of rheumatic heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally.


Cardiology conferences comprises the current research in cardiology contains the new innovative methods that are coming in cardiology related field. In this sub topic we have Statin therapy, Thrombolytic therapy and Cardiac rehabilitation. There are so many associations and societies and the main association for Interventional cardiology is located in USA. Many universities are working on Current Research in Cardiology. Hospitals and Companies around USA are associated with Cardiology. Some research topics in cardiology includes; Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Research, Myocardial and Heart Failure Research, The Vital Basis of Excitability in the Heart, Genomic Basis for Inherited Cardiovascular Disease, Proteomic Analysis of Heart Disease,  Mechanisms of Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodelling etc.


Cardiology is a branch of medical science that deals with disorders of the heart. Heart is an important muscular organ in humans and animals that pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. The drugs used to treat other disorders in body show a great impact on heart causing various side effects. Hence case reports on cardiac disorders and diseases have a great value that help in advancing and development of various treatment strategies. World Cardiology 2018 will help in networking, partnering between professionals and academicians to share new ideas and advancements in reducing heart failure and heart diseases. The event is designed to build good relations bringing the researchers and companies together. Cardiology conferences, cardiology events, cardiologist meetings are very important for the common people to be aware new innovations and advancements in the field of cardiology.