Orhan Zengin
Gaziantep University,Turkey
Orhan Zengin is a fellow in the Rheumatology Fellowship Program at the Gaziantep University, School of Medicine Department of Rheumatology. He was born in Adıyaman, Turkey, in 1983. He completed his internship and graduated from Medical School of Firat University. Then, he worked as a physician and researcher at the Gaziantep University, School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine.
His research is focused in four main areas:
1) Relationship between periodontal destruction and autoimmune diseases.
2) Systemic sclerosis, clinical features, treatment outcome and mortality factors.
3) Simple inflammatory markers in systemic auto inflammatory diseases.
4) Epidemiology of familial Mediterranean fever in Turkey.
Abstract : Ventricular repolarization disturbances in high dose intravenous methylprednisolone therapy